Saturday, October 22, 2011

Trying on Underwear

Aubrey and I went shopping tonight after our supper. I will admit that I was probably keeping her in the store past the amount of time that she was able to listen well, but I had a coupon, I had to look at everything, right? Anyway, we made it to the underwear department and I was looking around and Aubrey found something she wanted to try on. I wasn't paying that much attention to her and when I turned around, I saw that she had found a large pair of women's underwear and was proceeding to try them on.

The common sense in me told me that I must get the underwear away from her and put them back on the rack, but I kept hearing Ryan laughing at her, so I just let her go. She proceeded to put the underwear on and run out into the aisle exclaiming I have underwear! Two older ladies came around the corner and saw her and one said, "Well, yes you do!" I did laugh and then proceeded to get the underwear off of her as quickly as possible :)


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Chocolate Fountain

We went out for supper with my parents and Jake, Brandi, and the girls tonight. We went to Golden Corral and they have a chocolate fountain. Aubrey enjoyed a chocolate covered strawberry and part of a chocolate covered marshmallow. She truly enjoyed every bit of it.

I received a box of books that I had ordered from Amazon the other day and Aubrey helped me open it and decided that the books should be hers. Then, she discarded the books for playing with the box because that was more fun at the moment!

We praise God for a beautiful week last week and look forward to an enjoyable week coming.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Aubrey Dresses Herself

Aubrey is very independent these days and loves to decide which clothes she wants to wear. Most of the time, I pick out clothes for her in the evenings because we are slow moving in the morning. On Saturdays and Sundays we have a little more freedom. Aubrey picked out her entire outfit on her own yesterday. Here she is:
