Friday, April 3, 2009

Another Room Change

BUT, I didn't have to redecorate this time, its already decorated! We're home again.

I talked to Ryan about 7:45 this morning and his methatrexate level was 3.4, it had to be down to 1 before he could come home. So, we figured tomorrow, maybe not till Sunday, but we were hoping . . . he called me at 9:30 and his level was down to .15. I said, so are you coming home? The doctor hadn't been in yet, so he didn't know for sure.

Around 10:30 he called again and the doctor had been in and said he could leave after 4 today. So, I headed down around lunchtime and got prescriptions, a little less hassle this week, but still had to look for one of the meds. We got home a little after 6. I had to learn how to give shots because Ryan has to get a shot to help his marrow begin to make white blood cells again and since the nurses won't be there to give it to him, I had to learn. I could probably still use a little practice, so if anyone wants to volunteer their arm tomorrow afternoon, let me know.

The babies (well Aubrey and Ryan) are sleeping in the living room right now and I'm unpacking our million bags.

We have a doctor's appointment Monday afternoon when we should know a little more about exactly how long he gets to stay home. As long as he doesn't get a fever, he'll be home for a while though.

Praise the Lord that he gets to rest in his own bed tonight.



  1. You're right, Praise the LORD that you are all home together. I was so happy to read your update! Ryan, you are making us all so proud at how well you are fighting through all this! Keep it up! Hopefully you all will get settled back into your home-sweet-home again, all that packing and unpacking and running here and there, can't be too much fun. You are truly teaching us not to take the little things for granted!! We will keep all of you in our prayers. And, April, you are doing a fantastic job of taking care of your "babies" just make sure you take time to take care of yourself, too!

    Ryan, hope you stay fever free so you can enjoy being at home for good awhile!! May God Bless all of you!

    Alan, Vickie, Simon and Eli Dirksen

  2. Yeah!!! April let us know if we can start helping you out with meals.
    Take Care!

  3. What good news! NOthing like home, is there? For all of you. keep up the good work, Ryan, and April, if you need any help giving "shots" let me know- I would be GLAD to give Ryan a shot or help in any way I can. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Keep the positive thoughts and outlook. Take care of all of you. The Ward's (Dew, Deb and Megan)

  4. Great to read that Ryan is home! I love checking this blog and finding posts like this!

