Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to School

Ryan headed back to school today. He was up bright and early this morning - ready to go. He said he had a good day and is happy to be back to work. I figured he might be so worn out that he would need a nap when he came home, but he helped Aubrey ride her tricycle outside on the porch while I mowed our yard and then he played with her until I had supper ready. He went to bed around 8:30, but says that he's ready for tomorrow. Please pray that his strength will continue all week.

Please also pray that the tests the doctor called and ordered today are routine. He had bloodwork drawn yesterday and the doctor's office called and left a message today for two more tests. I'm not sure what they are, Ryan tried to call back this afternoon, but no one returned his call. So we'll find out tomorrow and he'll have to get some blood drawn after school. I always go into worry mode when something is out of the ordinary.

Thanks for all your prayers

1 comment:

  1. Ryan.. I am so glad to hear you are back to school. I have talked to several of your students and I know they were ready for you! You and your family have been in and will continue to be our prayers. I am very proud of how strong you have been for your family. April has been a true partner for you, God knew what he was doing:)
