Friday, May 8, 2009

A Bump in the Road, But No Flat Tire

Ryan's doctor's appointment started out really well today, but went a little down hill from there. When the doctor got there, a few minutes late because he had to get rerouted off of 75 on his way to the office. When he came in, he told Ryan that his blood counts looked good and he was ready to go back in for round 4. Dr. Marinella told us to stay in the room while he wrote the chemo orders and then we could head to Miami Valley.

Not two minutes after the doctor left the room, Ryan started shaking. He said he was shivering, so I gave it a few minutes. He didn't stop so I went for a blanket and then finally got the nurse. She came in with another blanket and then left to talk to the doctor. She came back to take his temperature and it had gone up 2.3 degrees since they took it when we first arrived. They are assuming that he has an infection of some sort and so they drew blood to check for that. We won't have results to know what it is for sure for a couple of days, but they started him on an antibiotic right away so that they could get his temperature down and get at the infection right way. His chemo will probably be delayed until Monday or Tuesday, so he will be in the hospital a little longer than we had planned. It is a good thing that this showed up now though because if they had started chemo already and his white cell count was down, he wouldn't be able to fight off the infection.

He is back in the bone marrow unit in room 5517. When I talked to him around 6:00, his temperature had dropped to 99.2 and his blood pressure had gone done. He was just getting settled into his room. I'm not sure what else they're doing tonight, but I'll update again tomorrow.

We celebrated Mother's Day last night after Aubrey's 9 month pictures. We ate supper at Red Lobster, my favorite place and Ryan got me a . . . dishwasher!!! He said that he hasn't been able to help out a lot lately and he wanted something that would make my days go smoother and create a little less work for me.



  1. Wow! Yeah for a dishwasher for Mothers' Day! Thinking of you today, and often...and keeping you both in my prayers. I haven't posted lately, but I'm still reading. Happy Mother's Day!



  2. I need to go back to teaching 4th grade. Looks like I cannot even be consistent on where to place the apostrophe in M. Day! :)
