Thursday, June 4, 2009

Low Hemoglobin

So far so good - things are going well for this round so far. Ryan's right knee is a little swollen so he had some x-rays done of it last night, the doctor said everything looks fine. A physical therapist is supposed to come and show him some exercises to do to help the swelling go down.

Today, Ryan had the first lumbar puncture for this round, it went well - he is counting down the number of those that he has left to get until he's finished. We also got the results from the bone marrow biopsy back today, they can't see anything in any of the tests that they did. Praise the LORD!! They are going to continue all 8 rounds as a preventative measure in hopes that the cancer won't return. Ryan's hemoglobin was a little low today, 7.5, so he is getting two units of blood. He is a little sleepy today, but has been awake since I've gotten here at 5:00.

I want to say how much we appreciate everyone who reads this blog and cares for and prays for us. I truly am thankful to God that there are so many wonderful people who care about us. Just a little while ago, one of the PCTs came into Ryan's room, wondering about directions for getting to Versailles to come eat at the benefit. We are truly blessed by wonderful family and friends and I know that God is continually holding us up in his hands because otherwise we wouldn't be standing so well.

Please pray for Aubrey and I - we both have pink eye. Aubrey's eyes are looking much better, but she absolutely hates the eye drops because they burn. My eyes don't seem to be looking much better than they did two days ago and they're quite itchy. This has been a growing experience for all of us so far and we keep seeing great examples of God's love for us.

* Benefit Note - The final day to purchase tickets for the benefit is June 14.



  1. Just wanted to let you know we're still reading and praying for Ryan, you and Aubrey. I had pink eye a few years ago and started the drops. It didn't seem to get better so I went back to the Dr. and it turns out I was having an allergic reaction to the drops so they gave me different drops. Maybe that's why yours haven't improved? The new drops helped immediately. Not what you need to be dealing with now, huh? Best wishes...
    Abby Henry Stanger

  2. Where did you pick up pink-eye? I feel your pain; I've had that at least twice that I can remember.

    I don't think I will be able to make it to the benefit dinner but did help get a couple of tickets sold while we were still at school. Staff that are not able to attend gave donations. I sent that up to Darke County with Gwen, in case you haven't seen it yet.

    We just found out a family friend of our has lymphoma; she is only 14. As it sounds right now, she will continue the chemo treatments for 2 years. That's scary.

    I think about Ryan and everyone else out there that has to fight this terrible disease - many times a day. My thoughts and prayers are always with you.

