Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Park

This afternoon, after I picked Aubrey up, we went to the park with our friends - Tricia, Brooklynn, and Elliott. Aubrey had a great time playing and I enjoyed visiting with Tricia. Aubrey woke up crying a couple of times last night, which is not like her. I took her to the doctor today and she has an ear infection. No fun!

I was reading a magazine earlier today and there was an article about the hour right before dinner when everyone is coming home from work, and no one is in a good mood. It suggests that you let the kids pull all the tissues out of the box, and then stuff them all back in later- sounds like something I could find useful. You might want to check the kleenexes before using them at my house!

I also had an appointment about the will today, things are moving, slowly, but moving. Please continue to keep me and that whole situation in your prayers.


1 comment:

  1. Praying things go well with the lawyers. I'm sure that can be nerve-wrecking and aggravating. Hope it will all go through quickly and smoothly!

    Jill S.

    "My God is changeless in his love for me, and he will come and help me." -Psalm 59:10
