Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Happy Day

I spent the day at the hospital with Ryan today. It was nice just sitting in the room with him. We also went for a walk around the hallways on the 5th floor of the hospital. The doctor was in around lunch time and he told us that Ryan's treatment plan will be chemo for 5 days every 21 days. They do this 8 times. Ryan starts his second round on Monday.

The nurses have been pretty strong proponents of Ryan's idea for coming home and the doctor told Ryan that as long as his fever stays down and the cat scan he had today looks normal that he would be able to come home tomorrow afternoon and stay for the weekend.

I have certainly been praying since then that everything looks good when the doctor sees the cat scan tomorrow. Even if only for 2 days, I am ready for Ryan to be home!

The doctor told Ryan that his counts are looking good and that he looks good.

Hoping to write this under the same roof as Ryan tomorrow night!



  1. Great News! We will be thinking and praying for you on great results! I know it's been a LONG 3 weeks, but stay strong!

    The doctor said he looked good? WOW...didn't know that was possible!

    Sorry April, with that comment, you'll be in the hospital until his "BIG" head will be able to fit through the doorways! Hope that brings a smile to both of your faces!

    Scott, Kim and Zach Ward

  2. Oh, we love seeing the title "Happy Day"!! We will pray that Ryan will get to come home and his progress will continue.

    And, hee-hee, gotta love Scott's post! I giggled out loud!

    Hope to hear more good news from you. We are praying for all of you to keep your strength and positive attitude. Keep it up - you are an example for us all. God Bless!

    Alan, Vickie, Simon and Eli Dirksen

  3. I hope you have a GREAT weekend!!! Ryan if your up to it I think should try out bath time. We will be praying that you and your family enjoy your weekend together.
    Chuck and Kelly Smith
