Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lazy Sunday

I think Sundays are my favorite day of the week. We go to church and I almost always feel better about life when I leave church. Then we go to my parents' house and have lunch, most times Jake and Brandi and the girls come over too and we all have a good time at lunch and visit for a while afterwards. Aubrey and Ryan usually take naps so I get some time to read. Sometimes we swim, sometimes we stay for supper - it just depends. We usually don't have anything else planned for the day, so we just play it by ear.

Today after church, much of the church family stayed around and we had a little prayer time for Ryan (and Aubrey and I). That was an emotional time, but comforting as we know so many people are praying and believing for God's healing of Ryan.

We also celebrated Kaitlyn's birthday tonight at the Golden Corral - supper was good and the fellowship was wonderful.

Ryan is working on something for school right now and I think I'm joining him on the couch here shortly.


1 comment:

  1. Our church prayed for Ryan last Sunday right before noon.
