Monday, July 26, 2010

Not Feeling So Well

Last night before he went to bed, Ryan was running a bit of a fever, it was still hanging on this morning. When he got to the hospital to get blood drawn, it was gone. By the time his platelets arrived, his fever was back up a little and when he came home, it was around 99.3.

We put some plastic under Aubrey's swing set, so we're ready to put the sand it. We need a cover for it though - Ryan talked about how he could probably make one, but it appears that we might be headed back to the hospital. Just as we were getting ready to eat supper, Ryan got sick and then his fever went up to 100. We are headed to Columbus first thing tomorrow morning, so please keep us in your prayers. Ryan's white count was 2.3 today, still below normal so we're not sure exactly what's going on. Ryan thinks he may have to be admitted. I'm praying that his fever will go away and he will regain his strength quickly.



  1. Praying things will get better quickly!


    "For He is the living God and he endures forever; His kingdom will not be destroyed, His dominion will never end. He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the Earth." -Daniel 6:26-27

    We know He is a mightly god and can heal Ryan!

  2. Still Praying for Ryan.

    The Gehrets
