Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day +25

This is Day +25. If we would happen to have to stay here until Day +100, we're 1/4 of the way there. We weren't able to go home to the pancake breakfast today, but I'm positive that the pancakes were wonderful and I heard there was a pretty good turn out. Thanks for attending if you were there.

Ryan had a pretty good day today. Aubrey got to play on the play ground and go for a bike ride, after she decided that she was only taking a half hour nap. She laid down about 1:00 today and then Ryan decided around 1:30 that he was going to lay down as well. When he went in, she got up and she would not lay back down for anything. So after trying for 20 minutes to get her to lay down, I finally gave in and gave her a snack and then took her outside. She was a little cranky this afternoon, but not too bad. After we returned for our bike ride, she got to play in the "yard" outside our apartment. Ryan came out with us and sat in the lawn chair. He and Aubrey played Ring Around the Rosie and Aubrey picked dandelions.

She had a fun evening wrecking havoc all over the apartment and is now in bed :) We met our apartment neighbors tonight - they are from Arkansas and he is preparing for a transplant. They seem very nice and thought Aubrey was wonderful since they left their own grandchildren in Arkansas, two days away.


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