Monday, April 5, 2010

A Fun Visit

Aubrey and I came to visit Ryan late this afternoon today and we had a very good visit. Ryan and Aubrey played Ring Around the Rosie and we passed the ball for a long time. She also sat on his lap and looked at pictures with him. We also took a walk with Ryan before it was time for us to head to the vacation home.

Ryan sounded really good every time I talked to him on the phone today. His white count was 1100 today, hemoglobin 10.9, and his platelets fell today to 27. If they fall again tomorrow, he'll probably get another platelet transfusion. He started taking his nausea medicine in pill form today and will start some other pills tomorrow. Ryan is off his pain pump and he said he had to take 1 morphine pill today because he still has a spot on the back of his throat that is sore.

Ryan hadn't been sick any since Saturday morning, but after we left this evening he said he had a headache and he took something for it and then he got sick. He ended up not eating supper tonight because he went to sleep after he got sick. I think he was a bit disappointed that he got sick, but it wasn't because of eating or pills, so I think things will be fine. He's really looking forward to coming home soon. Wednesday would be the earliest that he gets out. He said the nurses said several things about taking his medicine before coming to his clinic appointments today, but didn't really say when he'd get to come home.

I'm praying for Wednesday and that he feels well again tomorrow.


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