Friday, April 2, 2010

A Little Growth

Ryan's white count was up to 500 today, although that's only a little growth we were very happy to see a change upward. The doctor told him that he was right on schedule for someone who got all 4 doses of the methotrexate (the chemo they gave to help with graft v. host disease). She said most people don't usually get all 4 doses for some reason or another, but he was able to handle all four doses so his counts are doing what they expect them to. They thought that by tomorrow he might have enough neutrophils (baby white cells) to be able to better estimate when he would get to come home.

His spirits were up today, but he was still very tired. We watched the movie Up in the Air, I watched all of it; I'm not sure if Ryan can tell you what it was about :) Once the movie was over, he needed to take a nap and then we went on a walk. We walked outside and were gone for about half an hour. When we returned, he was ready for another nap.

Ryan got sick twice today. So in addition to prayers for his white count to come up, he is also having nausea that he would like to get rid of! Aubrey came for a visit tonight and we brought Ryan supper because he was wanting spaghetti and they didn't have that at the hospital. We left about 7:30 and he hadn't eaten supper yet, so I hope he ate after we left. I'm sure he'll sleep well tonight because he was tired after visiting with Aubrey.

We pray for more energy, more white cells, and less nausea for tomorrow.


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