Monday, August 23, 2010


Zechar-Bailey funeral home is taking care of the arrangements.

Ryan's viewing will be held on Wednesday, August 25 from 3:00-8:00 at the Palestine Church of Christ, 209 Lynn Street, Palestine.

We will have a private family burial.

We will be celebrating his life in a service at 11:00 on Thursday, August 26, 11:00, Palestine Church of Christ.

Thank you for all the comments, prayers, and visits. We all miss Ryan and will grieve, but we will continue in God's strength because he has not left us or forsaken us.



  1. You are an amazing woman for being so strong throughout this journey. God bless you and Ryan and your entire family. You have had and continue to have so many people pulling for you. You are a special woman and Ryan is so lucky to have you.

  2. may the lord comfort you and your family.

  3. April and Aubrey I pray over the both of you that in the days to come and in the weeks ahead, when all is quiet, that God blesses you with a hug that you can undeniably feel and peace that enables you to smile cause Ryan is home and enjoying the streets of gold!! ...and everyday the sun shines he is kissing your faces! <3

  4. You will be in our prayers . Our lives have been deeply touched by yours.

    Charlie and Diane Brads

  5. Dear April,

    My mind went back to your words from March 2009 . . .

    "I consider myself very lucky to be married to such a strong man. I thank God each and every day that he has such a positive attitude about life and this cancer. It took me a couple of days to come to terms with this, but I never saw him falter."

    You and Ryan are a true inspiration to others. Words cannot express how sorry we are for your loss nor how much he will be missed. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

    With all our love,
    Alan, Sarah, Natalie, Kyle, Victoria, and Andrew Wuebker

  6. I am so sorry for your loss. It saddens me to have heard this news. I am thankful I was able to meet Ryan. For the very brief amount of time we talked; I could tell he was a great person and one of the nicest and friendliest people to be around. The joy he brought to everyone who was fortunate enough to have spent time with him will never be forgotten and he will continue to bring that joy in memories. My thoughts are with you, your daughter, and entire family.

  7. April,

    We are so sorry to hear of your loss. You and Aubrey are in our thoughts and prayers. May God be with you to help comfort you through these tough days ahead of you. Ryan is pain free and in a heavenly place. We grieve for those who are left behind.

    If there is a day where you need some time, please feel free to send Aubrey over. The kids
    have been asking about her and miss her.

    Take care of yourself. We are thinking of you and your families.

    Sandy, Randy and all.

  8. To all of Ryan's family,

    I want to express my deepest sympathy for your loss. Ryan had an infectious smile and a way of making everyone feel comfortable and at ease. His determination in this battle has been so admirable, and the love he had for you, April, and Aubrey was obvious. I commented at home after our wedding-visit in Detroit that it was a rare thing to see a man so excited about having a baby on the way or one who took so much pride in his wife and work. It was a beautiful thing to see. I'm so sorry that that was cut short.

    April, you have been a blessing and inspiration to so many. In an age where when things get tough, so many cut and run, you have been a pillar of strength and comfort for Ryan and others. You've lived your marriage vowels in such a faithful way and shown what it means to take someone "for better or worse, in sickness and in health". While I know the pain of loss has to feel overwhelming, you can always feel good about the way you three ran this race together as a family.

    We will continue praying for you daily that time will ease your pain. I'm sure the sorrow of loss is never completely erased, but I pray time will bring about an easing of the pain and you can remember your time together with fond and happy memories.

    Praying for comfort, peace and blessings for you all,
    ~Jill S.

    “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21:4

    “Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.” Luke 6:21b

  9. We are so saddened by your loss, but your faith gives us hope and strength. You are a mighty witness to the power of our Lord even in the midst of such great sadness. You and Aubrey and your families are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Brenda, Dean, and Lizzi

  10. April,

    You are a true inspiration to all of us. May your faith comfort you at this time. Please know that you, Aubrey and your entire family will continue to be in our hearts and prayers.

    Charlie and Beth Henry

  11. April,

    I'm extremely sorry for your loss. Ryan was such a great guy, and I will always remember Ryan. I am a really good friend of Russell's, and when I started hunting, I did it with Russell. Then I got the experience of Southern Ohio for the first time with Ryan and Russell, and it was Ryan and Russell that gave me the opportunity to get my very first deer when I was 14 years old. I still have the photographs from that day and from that trip. And I will be forever thankful for the opportunity he gave me and the memories it gave me. I could go on and on about the experiences, but I'm sure you've heard them all time and time again! My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your families.

    Nic Zumberger

  12. Dear sweet April -- please know that my heart truly aches for your and Aubrey's loss. If there is one thing I know, though, it is that the Lord truly carries us through the deep waters and even though you may feel like you are being overcome today and in the days ahead, I promise you that the Lord is right there by your side. Vic and I are lifting you up daily to the throne of our great Savior, and we won't stop! Ryan's race is over -- he has heard his Lord say, "well done, my good and faithful servant" and even though you have an uphill climb a head of you, your testimony rings loud and clear. Your precious family has eximplified God's faithfulness and He will remain with you and heal your broken heart. Lean hard -- take Him at His Word!
    We love you -- all the Hamers are praying!

  13. April,
    We on BMTU at MVH hace just heard the sad news. We all love you, Aubrey, and of course Ryan. Your family has touched each of our lives like you would not believe. We hold you in our thought and prayers. May God continue to watch over you and Aubrey. Please be at peace knowing that Ryan will be watching our the two of you. We all love you!!!
    The girls of BMTU MVH

  14. To the Family:
    There are 2 different types of teachers on the earth. There are the ones that that will just teach at a school/collage, then there are the teachers that go beyond just the school! Mr. Wulber was a teacher that went beyond. Weather you were in the lab, on a field trip, or out in the real world, he was there and you would learn. He encouraged us kids when we only wanted to give up. R.I.P. Mr. Wulber you will be missed and your family's in my prayers
    God Bless
    Ike Everett

  15. so sad to lose such a great person in every sense of the word - father, husband, son, friend. thank god for ryan's pain and suffering to be over and let it be comforting to know that he is in heaven and watching over his two most important girls in his life - april and aubrey. my condolences to april, aubrey and the family during this tough time.
    much love and many prayers,
    ~eric and jill rhoades

  16. You and your family are in my prayers. Ryan was a wonderful, unique person who had a gift of making everyone feel special. His humor was contagious! What struck me most about Ryan was his commitment to his students - just a week ago he was planning on returning next semester. They were never far from his mind. I am positive that there is a special place in heaven for this special man.
