Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 1

Well, the waiting has begun. Ryan (and Russell) both felt tired today, but otherwise fine. Ryan got up and ate breakfast and showered this morning and then took a nap until lunchtime. After lunch he worked on the computer and visited some. When it was time for Russell and I to head home, he walked us almost to the parking garage. Then he went back and tried to watch a movie, he fell asleep. I called him around 9 and he was just eating supper so he called me back a little while ago. Nothing major today.

I pray that each day is like that, although I know there will be good and bad days, I keep praying for the good.



  1. Ryan & April,
    We found your blogspot and were glad to catch up on the news. You are all in our prayers. I have Ryan on our church pray list, so he is getting many prayers from our neck of the state.
    Jeff and Deborah

  2. So glad to hear Ryan had a good day. Keeping the Wulber family in our thoughts.

    Lee and Shannon
