Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day -2

Only 2 more days until transplant time. Right before we left the hospital tonight, they started Ryan on his immunosuppressant drug. This drug will help his body not to reject Russell's marrow cells when they transplant on Tuesday. He will take this until about Day +100 and then they will try to wean him off the drug and allow his body to work normally. At that point, unless he is showing signs of graft vs. host disease they are hoping that they won't see any signs.

Ryan's hemoglobin was low today so he received 2 units of blood. He also had lots of visitors! His parents were the first to visit this morning, then some friends and his brother. Then 2 of our aunts and uncles, then Aubrey and my mom got to come visit. It was a busy day. Ryan was about ready for bed around 8 when we left, it probably didn't help that I called him on the way to the hospital this afternoon and cut his nap short.

Ryan told me that he got sick a little over night, but he ate all three meals today and things went ok. He had Wendy's tonight when my mom and Aubrey got there to visit. When Ryan goes off the unit to see Aubrey he has to wear a mask that looks like a duck bill. Aubrey does not like seeing him in that mask at all - actually I think she's a little scared of him when she sees it.

Aubrey is turning into a big girl. She has been interested in sitting on the potty and so I bought her one of her own the other day. She sat on it several times yesterday and actually went to the bathroom on it once. Tonight she said she had to go so I sat her on it, she sat for a while, then got up, then peed of the floor!! We'll see if she stays interested in it or whether she'll change her mind in a few days.

Ryan's mouth was starting to get a little dry today so I'm praying that the mouth treatment that he's doing will keep the sores away. Otherwise, he seems to be doing really well and I think both he and Russell are ready for Tuesday.

We pray for strength for Ryan and Russell on Tuesday as well as peace for Aubrey when we leave Daddy in the hospital.



  1. Pril,
    I was catching up on your blog when your update was posted tonight! Thanks for your consistent communication here. It helps us pray for you guys. We are really excited about Tuesday and praying LOTS!
    LOVED Aubrey's latest pictures. What a doll!

  2. Hey Wulbers,

    We're praying real real hard that the transplant is successful. Thinking of you guys everyday and lifting you up in prayer. May God be merciful and hear and answer our prayers!

    Alan, Vickie, Simon and Eli Dirksen

  3. Praying that the transplant goes smoothly and is successful. May the feeling of peace be with all of you.
    Carmen Snyder
