Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ryan's Cooking

Ryan "cooked" our meals all weekend long. We had a graduation party Friday, one Saturday afternoon, 2 graduation and 1 birthday parties today. Ryan said he was in charge of meals this weekend - worked out well for him :)

Ryan has all this time on his hands and he has informed me that I have made some typing errors - a couple posts ago I said we got lumber for Aubrey's playset - I spelled it lumbar instead of lumber. I also said that Ryan is showing now signs of graft vs. host disease. That was supposed to read no signs.

Ryan is doing very well. His next doctor's appointment is Tuesday. It should be another short appointment, just a check-up as far as we know.



  1. Sounds like Ryan is back to his normal self!!!

    Scott Ward

  2. I'm glad he caught that. We were worried!
    Tell him to come on back to school. We've got plenty of work he can help with. =)
    Hope to see you all at the ag staff picnic on June 4.
