Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cleaning Up

My mom came over tonight and helped me clean up one of the extra rooms upstairs. We got rid of a bunch of old wood that was up there and started to organize things a little bit so I have some organized storage. It took a couple of hours to do just that one room. We started a little on the other room that's up there, but its going to take another night to get that one completely finished!

Aubrey must like Sandy's potty better than she likes the potty at home. She stayed dry all day today, even told Sandy two times that she had to go to the bathroom, but once we got home, she had a dirty pull-up and then she peed in her diaper. I asked her all evening long, but she wouldn't go for me!

I was losing patience tonight, maybe that was the problem. Ron and Russell got started on shelling the corn last night and they made a dent in the work. We put up new grain bins this summer/fall and Ron started on filling one of them today. Pray that things go smoothly.


1 comment:

  1. April,

    I think it's normal that Aubrey does better for the sitter than you with potty training. Kaylee was the same way, she will get it one of these days. I always told myself, I've never seen a grown up that wasn't potty trained, it will happen! When Kaylee would have an accident, all I would say is "pee/poop goes in the potty" and left it at that. Good Luck!

