Wednesday, September 8, 2010


My first day back was a little overwhelming, but not too bad. I had so much stuff piled on my desk from days that I stopped at work and dropped something off, but just left it lay that it took me at least and hour to get things put away and sorted through. I did manage to get some real work done today and a couple phone calls made as well.

Tomorrow is another day and I will continue to chip away at things a little at a time.

In Aubrey's Bible story tonight, we read about how God parted the Red Sea His people to walk through. The story told how God's people were panicking and saying that there was nothing they could do and Moses agreed with them - he told them that God would take care of things for them. I felt that that was a lesson to me as well. As I felt overwhelmed today with things at work and home, I have to remember that God is watching over me and guiding me if I just allow him to do that.



  1. Hey April,
    I like the new look too. I am so glad you had a nice weekend. I'm also glad that you are moving forward with your life. I'm praying for you and Aubrey.

  2. Let God guide you! HE will NOT lead you in the wrong direction. HE knows your strength and devotion. Soon you too will see HIS greatness.

  3. Yes, April, God is watching over you and guiding you. I know it is easy to forget and the overwhelming feeling starts creeping in, but try and always remember that God is there and we have to not let our stress consume us. I know, easier said then done, right?

    You and Aubrey remain in our prayers. God Bless.

    Alan, Vickie and boys
